Saturday, January 31, 2009

! Philippines Philippines !


1.一佛出世二佛涅槃. One Budda comes to our world, another one dies
2.知者不言,言者不知 Those who know don't say, those who say don't know
3.打肿脸充胖子 try to do all posible, try to do one's best

Sunday, January 25, 2009





1。一窍不通 don't understand completely
通宵达旦 from sunrise till sunrise
学无止境. Study, study and study !

Thursday, January 22, 2009

深圳 的朋友!


1。塞翁失马。 There is no happiness (smth good) without smth bad
2.红杏出墙 about a woman who seeks lover
3. 满身铜臭. a man who adores money, who is crazy about it

The BEAUTY is all aroud US !

今天meeting后我去了Floricultural experimental center,文大旁邊的花園。
有時候一個人去散步很有利,可以好好地考慮很多東西,還拍照。簡單的東西其實很漂亮啊 !

1. 開卷有益. Open the book and you will learn a lot.
艳福不浅. To be popular among girls.
3. 三大省 (说某个人吝啬, 不舍得花钱)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

婚禮 !!!!!!!!!!

今天要去參加俄羅斯人在臺北的婚禮。。。 )

1。男女搭配, 工作不累。 The work goes ok when woman and man works in a pair )))
2.男人不坏, 女人不爱. Women don't like perfect men)
3.男人為了性而愛 女人為了愛而性. Men love women for live, women live for "to be loved".

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

新店 Scenic Area,好可愛的地方!

今天下班后跟老公去過很有意思的地方,新店Scenic Area。 是我們第一次觀光那裡。我好喜歡,覺得很浪漫))))

1。没有情人是废物,有很多的是动物,有不多不少的是人物。 The man who doesn't have a lover is a useless person,who has many lovers is an animal, the person who has SEVERAL(some) lovers ia a real man.
2.饭后一支烟,快就像神仙. To smoke after eating makes you feel like a Saint!
3.兔子不吃窩邊草. The rabbit doesn't eat the grass near its place.

Monday, January 19, 2009

my sister is a little model !!

我很想念她。。。 。。。

1。逆水行舟,不进则退。 The boat sailing against the current can't move forward; you must work harder, don't stop, practice every day

2.八仙过海,名显其能. Eight Saints crossed the sea, everyone showed his talents.

3.一百头牛拖不动一个理字. Even 1 000 cows can't move a character with sence.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dergassi !!!!

小時候我很喜歡看一部加拿大電視劇 Degrassi Kids,每個加拿大小孩知道!!!Degrassi 是一條路的名字,那裏有學校。這部電視劇介紹加拿大小朋友的生活,有很多人物。他們都住在Degrassi street,去Degrassi 學校。這部電影不是一般的,每劇很有道理,小故事,讓小朋友學習什麽是友誼,什麽是愛情,對父母的態度,什麽事恨等等。
我長大了后又看過一次,然後去過兩次加拿大,但還沒找不到這條路,所以應該再一次去。因爲我表妹說這條路真的存在。我非常喜歡Degrassi Kids 所以要找到,拍照。。。。)

1. 有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。If it is your fate (destiny) then you will easily walk 1000 li ,if it is not you can be in front of a man and never talk to him.

2.爸爸糊糊, 妈妈还可以. Father is so so, mother is ok. Can be also said about husband and wife.

3.不入虎穴,焉得虎子. You can't get a baby tiger without entering the tiger's lie.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

老公對我買了一個富有魅力的照相機Sony T700!!!!風紅色的,沒有了淡紫色的(((但是風紅色我也喜歡。。。


1。你相信什么,什么就是真理 - The truth is in what you believe

2。 知者不言,言者不知 - Knowing doent' say, speaking doent' know

3。 百闻不如一见 - Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times

Friday, January 16, 2009



1。狐狸不知尾下臭 - the fox doestn't know that she smells - to be bling to its own faults

2。醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也 - Be careful, the truth is not in wine

情人眼里出西施 - In the eyes of the lover, his beloved is a beauty

Thursday, January 15, 2009

one two three action !


1.酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多 when wine meets a friend thousand cups are not enought,when you don't have warm conversation, half sentence is enough
2.没 有 受 不 了 的 哭, 有 想 不 到 的 福 there are no sorrows that one can't overcome, there is happiness that one can't imagine
3先去的时候,才真正懂得去珍惜和拥有 we don't care about what we have but only after we lost it we feel sorry and unhappy

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

俄羅斯麵包!!! 哈哈哈!!

昨天看到了“俄羅斯”麵包,但完全不是真的。誰告訴他們是俄羅斯的?????這種麵包是小的而甜的。俄羅斯麵包是大的,不會甜的!! 是很好吃的!!!

1。不到長城非好漢。you are bad Chinese until you havent't been to Great Chinese Wall
2。無源之水,無本之木 weak
3。一葉障目,不見泰山 because of small leaf can't see Taishan mountains - bacause of smth little can't see smth big

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


1。大驚小怪。worry too much about nothing (with no reason)
2。短小精悍 small but robust
3。 昏天黑地 pitch-dark, very dark, impossible to see anything



Monday, January 12, 2009


今天考了最後考試 - 統計學,對我來説是最難的。。。因爲有很多數字。。。但是我覺得比其中考試有進步,希望下個學期學得更好。。。

1。發縱指示 - hot on the traces of smb.
2。開門見山 - to speak frankly
3。非露餡不可 - everything will spread out sooner or later.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


我覺得如果你想健康,一定要運動,大概每週兩次,在莫斯科的時候我去過sport club,這裡我們也去。我們選擇了 California Fitness,我真的很喜歡。什麽都有,服務很好,價格也不高。我們每個星期兩三次去運動。但有一個很大的缺點,沒有游泳池。。。我非常喜歡游泳,在學校的時候參加連了比賽。因爲沒有游泳池所以我去文大的游泳池,也不錯。我聽説過它是新的。

1。莫明其妙的事。strange things
2。 千載一時。extremelly rare occasion
3。千真萬確。absolutely right

Saturday, January 10, 2009



1。馬道是瞻 - be in leading strings
2。便宜行事 - acting in own discretion
3。撥亂反正 - Bringing order out of chaos

Friday, January 9, 2009


昨天看到了,從一月26號開始民衆可以去臺北動物園與大熊貓圓圓和團團見面。也聽説他們減肥了,因爲很緊張從大陸到臺灣,所以決定了對他們帶來一些竹筍,然他們胖一點))) 不及見他們!!!


1。 馬到成功 - achieve immediate success
2。 如數家珍 - to be very familiar with smth
3。 天有不測風雲 - fortune is unpredictable as the weather.